Ingrid Østang
Soul coaching & readings
Secrets from the Soul
Animal communication
Do you want to know what is going on with your pet? I am here to support you. Our pets mirror us, and that is why an animal communication is so much more than just finding out if your cat is happy. Before agreeing to communicate with an animal, I need to know that it is the owner that has asked me to do the job. This is because a lot of sensitive information regarding the owner and his/her family can come up during a communication with an animal. It can be old family patterns or emotional baggage that needs to come up, in order for it to become conscious for the person(s) involved. When we see our dysfunctional patterns, we can start letting go and open up for better choices - and ultimately a better life.
Soul to soul conversations
Want to get in touch with your essence? Do you need to understand what is going on in your life on an emotional level - or do you just need some clarity? I can help you. During a soul to soul conversation, also called a reading, I assist you by using my intuitive skills, using my third eye to receive the information you are giving me from a soul level. Click the button below for a video in Norwegian on the subject. Duration: 1 hour session on the phone.
What´s alive in you now, and how can you embrace more of life and who you truly are? Let´s explore together. Duration: 1 hour exploration on the phone.
Feedback from clients:
Liss: "Jeg kommer til å anbefale deg videre, for jeg føler du traff så godt at jeg godt kunne brukt deg hver eneste gang en dyretolk trengs".
Monika: "Alt du fikk opp om både meg og katten min stemte perfekt."
Anne: "Uten tvil gav du den tolkningen som var mest treffsikker og den lengste. Du har jo også fått opp mye, og riktige og viktige aspekter. Dette både i hunden og eieren. Til sammen blir dette en fin bekreftelse for meg, og en veiviser videre".
Trude: "Tusen, tusen takk! Det var svært informativt og nyttig for oss".
Elin: "Jeg vil først og fremst takke deg for en fantastisk "reading" av hunden min. Jeg har lest brevet ditt sikkert 100 ganger og det treffer meg midt i hjerterota hver gang".
Copyright 2016